ZenKEY is an application developed by ZenCODE. Most Windows users will recognize the HotKey options that were included in old Window's Accessibility Options, now formally recognized as Keyboard Shortcuts. Well, ZenKEY is like that but on steroids.
The small application packs plenty of power, allowing you to control basically everything you can think of with a series of hotkeys or right-click menus. You can easily access any system or user’s folder at any time, but quick access is not only what this application is about. You can also enhance your desktop - ZenKEY includes a Desktop Map, which is basically a small window that displays colors around opened desktop elements. You can also iconify windows, allowing them to be used as a program shortcut even while an application is executing.
It is truly an amazing application, and the best part is that it is completely free. If you are looking for a program that grants you more control over your Windows environment, then search no more - ZenKEY is the one.